Berner Sennenhund speciality show - Club CAC in Rybinsk, Russia
judges - V. Spiridonov, Russia

female, puppy class
MILLENIUM STAR MADONNA (Lion King z Kiziakowa Zagroda x Millenium Star Fanagoria) - very promising, Best puppy female
male, junior class
MILLENIUM STAR KEY TO SUCCESS (Lion King Kiziakowa Zagrodax Palitra Sibiri Kalina) -
excellent-1, Club Junior CAC, BEST OF BREED!!!
female, junior class
MILLENIUM STAR KISS OF DESIRE (Lion King Kiziakowa Zagrodax Palitra Sibiri Kalina) -
excellent-1, Club Junior CAC, BEST JUNIOR OF BREED!!!
MILLENIUM STAR ZAZNOBA MOYA (The Beat Goes On From Orsina's Land x Millenium Star Rapunzel) - excellent-1, Club CAC, National Club Champion and Grand Champion of Russia!
(Elenberner Keep In Tauch With x Palitra Sibiri Ezhevika Yagodka) - excellent-2, Club sert! National Club Champion and Grand Champion of Russia!

Double CAC show in Dmirtov, Russia
judges - E. Gindullina, V. Markov

female, puppy class
MILLENIUM STAR LA ROYALE FLEUR (Millenium Star Mackenzie x Millenium Star Rapunzel) - very promising, twice puppyBOB!!! My congratulations to Valentina Tereshkova!

Speciality show in Moscow, Russia
judge - M. Ostrovskaia

male, puppy class
MILLENIUM STAR KEY TO SUCCESS (Lion King Kiziakowa Zagrodax Palitra Sibiri Kalina) -
very promising-1
female, puppy class
MILLENIUM STAR LOVE IS LOVE (Millenium Star Mackenzie x Millenium Star Rapunzel) - very promising-1, puppyBOB!

female, puppy class
MILLENIUM STAR MADONNA (Lion King z Kiziakowa Zagroda x Millenium Star Fanagoria) -
very promising-2
MILLENIUM STAR ZAZNOBA MOYA (The Beat Goes On From Orsina's Land x Millenium Star Rapunzel) - excellent-2, Club sert
(Elenberner Keep In Tauch With x Palitra Sibiri Ezhevika Yagodka) - excellent-2, Club sert
My congratulations to Anna Bogdanenko! Big thanks to Anna Skhorokhod and Aleksandra Rumyantseva for the show!

Dog-show in Yaroslavl, FCI IIgr. dog-show
judge - L. Galioskarova

female, puppy class
MILLENIUM STAR KISS OF DESIRE - very promising, Best of Breed puppy, puppy BIS-2nd place!

My congratulations to Natalia Trifanova! Thanks to Anna Skhorokhod for Daisy handling! Thanks to Alena Kuzminskaia for photoes!

Dog-show "Vesennii Petersburg 2024"
judge - Zaur Agabeili, Azerbaidjan

female, intermediate class
MILLENIUM STAR ZAZNOBA MOYA (The Beat Goes On From Orsina's Land x Millenium Star Rapunzel) - excellent-1, class winner, CAC

Dog-show "Petersburg Elita 2024»
judge - Vladimir Mihaljcic, Serbia

female, intermediate class
MILLENIUM STAR ZAZNOBA MOYA (The Beat Goes On From Orsina's Land x Millenium Star Rapunzel) - excellent-1, class winner
, САС, Best female, BOS! My congratulations to Anna Bogdanenko!!!

IIgr. FCI dog-show in Yaroslavl, Russia
judge in ring - D. Prozorov, judge in main ring - E. Shaihudinov

pictures by Oksana Serova
handlers - Sasha Rumyantseva, Angelina Pantseva, Anna Skhorohod


female, junior class
MILLENIUM STAR ZAZNOBA MOYA (The Beat Goes On From Orsina's Land x Millenium Star Rapunzel) - excellent-1, class winner,
jCAC, juniorBOB, BOS! JUNIOR BIS-1!!
Maya now is Junior Champion of Russia, Junior Champion of Club, Junior Grand Champion of Russia! My congratulations to Anna Bogdanenko! Thanks to judges for high mark of our beautifull young girl!
male, champion class
MILLENIUM STAR YUPITER SKY GOD (The Beat Goes On From Orsina's Land x Millenium Star Rapunzel) - excellent-1, class winner, Club CAC, BOB! My congratulations to owners!

female, open class
MILLENIUM STAR JENNIFER (Lion King Kiziakowa Zagroda x Sharmandzhi Black Edition) - twice excellent-1, class winner, CCC, CACx2, BOS! Champion of RKF and
Champion of Russia! My congratulations to Valentina Tereshkova!

Puppies from Millenium Star K...
Only two males are available

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